Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro 3in1 OEM ESD en-US JULY 2022
Release 21H2
No TPM or Secure Boot required
* Classify:
* Size: 4.62 GB
* Format: Bootable ISO
* CRC32: 970d23b7
* MD5: a74abcb579d9b547a5904069b38a16bb
* SHA-1: 713beee7df4d8cb2aa728e2cf1161747e75f58b8
* Maintenance Stack:
* Cumulative update:
* KB5015814
*.NET Framework
* Cumulative update for
* NET Framework and:
* Windows 11 Professional – Std
* Windows 11 Professional—DLA
* Windows 11 Professional – OEM
* STD = Standard Installation – For those who have their own license key
* DLA = Digital License Activation (HWID)
* OEM – Activated automatically during installation
* Same version as original equipment
* UEFI enabled
* (Use the included Rufus USB tool to perform UEFI boot)
* Diagnostic and Recovery Toolkit (only)
* compressed in recovery format ()
* Create a bootable USB drive with Rufus (highly recommended),
* (attached) or burn slowly to DVD-DL.
* Windows_Addict, author of Windows activation scripts
* I hope you like this version!
*2nd generation
Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro with Office 2021 nl-NL APRIL 2022
Release 21H2
* Classify:
* Size: 5.68 GB
* Format: Bootable ISO
* CRC32: 8b5c779f
* MD5: 3476acb883953741035e1924b8204ba5
* SHA-1: 1b2aef2b3e478fb30720c99075e551e4b5f993e0
*LTSC 2021 ProPlus computer
* Maintenance stack:
* Cumulative update:
* KB5012592
*.NET framework
* Cumulative update for
* NET Framework and:
* KB5012121
*Windows 11 Pro
* Office 2021 Pro Plus
* Activator: KMS_VL_ALL
* UEFI enabled
* (Use the included Rufus USB tool to perform UEFI boot)
* Diagnostic and Recovery Toolkit (only)
* compressed in recovery format ()
* Create a bootable USB drive with Rufus (highly recommended),
* (attached) or burn slowly to DVD-DL.
*abbodi1406, author of the activation script
* I hope you like this version!
*2nd generation
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