Miesiąc: luty 2023

Windows 10 Digital Activator v1.3.9 Portable – DeGun TPB.rar indir torrent


Windows 10 Digital Activator v1.3.9 Portable - DeGun TPB.rar


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Windows 10 Dijital Etkinleştirme: Ocak 2021

Windows’un herhangi bir sürümünü tek bir tıklamayla etkinleştirebilen en kolay ve en etkili Windows 10 etkinleştirici.

Ünlü geliştirici Ratiborus’tan %100 virüssüz ve virüssüz.

(Yalnızca Windows Defender işeyip ağlayabilir)

Kurulum gerektirmez ve bir flash sürücüden çalıştırılabilir.

HWID GEN (AKA: Hwidgen), MDL’nin s1ave77’si (Dijital Hayatım) tarafından geliştirilen, KMS etkinleştirme veya yükseltme hilesi (Windows yükleyicinin eski bir sürümünden yeni bir Windows sürümü edinin) Windows gerektirmeyen bir dijital lisans oluşturma aracıdır. . Windows 10 işletim sisteminin tüm sürümlerini/versiyonlarını (VL sürümleri dahil) kalıcı bir dijital lisansla etkinleştirir. Üstelik aktivasyon işlemi basittir, herhangi bir sistem dosyasını etkilemez veya sızdırılmış veya çalınmış aktivasyon anahtarları kullanmaz.

HWID GEN, AutoHotkey komut dosyası dilinde (.mk3 dosya adı uzantısı, AutoHotkey program uzantısı anlamına gelir), gömülü bir dosyada (bunu resmi Windows 10 ISO’dan çıkarabilirsiniz) ve GitHub’da (EXE dosyası olarak derlenmiş) bir açık kaynak dosyasında yazılmıştır. . Bu yüzden tüm aktivasyon işlemini manuel olarak yapabilirsiniz. Çalışma ilkesi, WannaCry çılgınlığını (kripto solucan fidye yazılımı) yayma ilkesiyle aynı şekilde çalışan etkinleştirme hedefine ulaşmak için Windows kayıt defterini manipüle etmek için Microsoft’un güvenlik açığını kullanmaktır, Adylkuzz daha becerikli ve akıllıdır. (kripto para madenciliği kötü amaçlı yazılımı), bilgisayarlara saldırmak için Windows MS17-010 hatasından yararlanır. Bu arada, bence Adylkuzz’un yazarı daha akıllı ve ileri görüşlü. Aksine, WannaCry aptal bir çete gibidir!

// Windows 10’un desteklenen sürümleri //

Bulut (K)

Temel (başlangıç) (N)

Temel (ülkeye özgü)

Temel (tek dil) (N)

Profesyonel (N)

Mesleki eğitim (N)

Profesyonel İş Merkezi (N)

Eğitim (K)


Şirket S(N)

Kurumsal S(N) 2015

Kurumsal S(N) 2016

Sunucu düzeyi (hücre) (N)

Sunucu veri merkezi tabanı) (N)

Sunucu çözümü (hücre) (N)

// Talimatlar //

Araç sistemi birkaç kez kontrol eder ve görünmesi biraz zaman alabilir (sisteminizin özelliklerine bağlı olarak), paniğe gerek yok, sadece biraz bekleyin.

VLSC veya MVS Business ISO’nun toplu lisans sürümünü kurarken, etkinleştirmeyi geri yüklemek için varsayılan Perakende/OEM anahtarı girilmelidir.

// İfade //

Bu tetikleyici yanlışlıkla bir tehdit olarak işaretlenmiş olabilir: Win32: Yüksek Riskli Kötü Amaçlı Yazılım Tehdidi. Kapsamlı ve güvenilir bir tarama için VirusTotal kullanın.

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.::::| ————————————————- |:::.


30 0 Rating


UVK Ultra Virus Killer Pro 11 torrent

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UVK Ultra Virus Killer Pro 11

UVK is a powerful Windows virus removal and repair tool. With a simple and intuitive interface, UVK allows users to detect and remove all types of malware and spyware from infected systems. It also includes many tools to repair windows after disinfection.


process manager

Filter all running processes by their executable path.

Select and control multiple processes at the same time.

Kill processes.

Kill multiple processes with the same path at once.

Terminate processes and delete core files at the same time.

Terminate all processes listed.

Terminate all listed processes except system processes.

End all untrusted processes.

Stop and restart processes.

Check the process file signatures.

Search the Internet for information about the process.

Submit one or more MD5 processes to VirusTotal using the VT API.

Open the process file locations.

View the executable properties of a process.

Startup Entries and Scheduled Tasks

Delete startup entries, scheduled tasks and corresponding files at the same time.

Select and manage multiple records at once.

Check startup log file signatures.

Hide files signed by Microsoft from the list.

Search the Internet for information about the startup file.

Submit one or more MD5 boot log files to VirusTotal using the VT API.

Navigate to the registry key where the startup entry is located.

Open the boot log file locations.

Note the properties of the boot log files.

Zoom window in this section for more convenient viewing.

Windows Services and Drivers

Remove services or drivers and corresponding files at the same time.

Perform all common service management operations: stop, start, suspend, resume services and set their startup type.

Select and manage multiple services or drivers at once.

Stop all non-Microsoft services.

Select services and drivers to display: Show all services and drivers. Hide Inactive Services and Drivers, Hide Microsoft Services and Drivers, Hide Inactive Microsoft Services and Drivers.

Check service signature/driver file.

Search the Internet for information about the service/driver file.

Submit one or more MD5 driver/service files to VirusTotal using the VT API.

Navigate to the registry key where the service/driver is located.

Open the location of the service/driver file.

View the properties of the service file.

Zoom window in this section for more convenient viewing.

Delete or replace a file or folder

Do not include files and folders even if apps use them.

Delete running executable.

Delete files and folders that you cannot delete normally using Windows Explorer.

Choose whether you want to permanently delete the files or move them to the trash.

Replace or copy files.

Expand zipped files.

Replace files even if they are loaded in memory.

Check the creation record

Perform a complete analysis of your system and save it in a text file that you can send to a friend or professional, post on a forum, or review it yourself.

Select the areas you want to scan and display in the log.

Choose whether to display files signed by Microsoft in the log.

Choose where to save the log.

Choose whether to verify digital signatures of scanned files.

Check for files that are newcreate them and write them to the log.

Run other custom scans, search for specific files, folders and registry entries for real-time information or get the result of the file’s VirusTotal scan automatically.

Run the UVK scripts

Disinfect your computer’s sticky lines to remove registry entries and corresponding files from the UVK registry.

Use custom commands to download files, run programs, remove or add registry entries, terminate processes, delete files and folders, run cmd batch scripts, register system files, or perform UVK fixes.

Create system restore points, empty the recycle bin and temporary folders for each user.

Create and run scripts that perform complete system repair and maintenance.

Run any UVK patch or scan automatically.

UVK equipment

Get any information about any file.

Generate VirusTotal MD5 reports, deny or allow access, or run an sfc scan on any file.

Search the Internet for information about registry files and entries.

Allow access or prevent modification of registry keys.

List all restore points.

Select and delete one or more restore points.

Create system restore points.

Turn System Restore on or off.

UVK system repair

Fix your PC with over fifty unique solutions: fix file extensions, register system dlls, enable and fix Windows Update, clear DNS cache and hosts file, reset user registry defaults, fix installation problems, clear all browser caches, reset security settings, defrag and optimize hard disks, install Java, Flash, DirectX, .Net Framework, repair WMI and restore the system, delete all restore points, repair Windows shell, reset user shell folders and much more.

system information

Display information that can be very useful, especially if you are reinstalling Windows or if you need to diagnose a performance or hardware problem. This includes CPU, memory and paging file usage, operating system and office product keys, hardware and user information.

Export this information to a full html file.

UVK immunization

Avoid infecting the most vulnerable areas of the registry and file system.

Avoid adding programs to Windows startup and logon.

Avoid creating/deleting browser helper objects, Internet Explorer toolbars and search providers.

Avoid changing Internet settings and Internet Explorer homepages.

Backup and restore the Windows registry.

OS: Win7+

home page:


22 3 Rating


Hi Mom 2021 FULL free download torrent

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Hi Mom 2021

Hello Mother 2021 720p HDRip Chinese HC H264 BONE

original name:

Also known as: Hi Li Huan Ying, Ni Hao, Li Huan Ying

Screenwriters: Jia Ling, Liu Hong Lu

Chinese language

Subtitle: Chinese English Hard Code

128 min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy

A woman takes time to befriend her mother and try to make her life better.

12 1 Rating


Operation Fortune Ruse de guerre 2022 AVI avi Movie Download Torrent

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Operation Fortune Ruse de guerre 2022


Genre: Action, Thriller, Comedy
Directed by Guy Ritchie
Starring: Jason Statham, Aubrey Plaza, Hugh Grant, Josh Hartnett, Bugzy Malone
Synopsis: The international intelligence agency Five Eyes recruits MI6 agent Orson Fortune to stop the sale of a new deadly weapon technology that threatens to disrupt the world order.
Container = Matroska (mqv)
Duration = 01:47
File size = 995 MiB
Codec Information = AVC | V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
Resolution = 720×304
Display AR=| :1
Bit rate = Frame rate = CFR Color space = YUV
Color subsampling = 4:2:0
Encoder = x264 – core 157
Codec Info = AAC | A_AAC-2
Channels = 2
Bit rate = sample rate = kHz
Language = English

39 2 Rating


Windows 7 10 11 X64 21H2 PRO OEM ESD en-US APRIL 2022 {Gen2} Baixar

BAIXAR torrent

Windows 7 10 11 X64 21H2 PRO OEM ESD en-US APRIL 2022 {Gen2}

Windows 7 10 11 X64 21H2 PRO OEM ESD en-US ABRIL 2022

Montagem da versão 21H2

Montagem da versão 21H2

Não é necessário TPM ou inicialização segura

* O arquivo:

* Tamanho: 10,2 GB

* Formato: ISO inicializável

* CRC32: 74fd91c3

* MD5: 953fe696acb5b248771d85ed87e55e39

* SHA-1: 2ffdd099cdf82fce65f1db25bd4ed7815e034877

Integrado / pré-instalado:

* Janelas 7:


* Tempo de execução dos usuários finais do DirectX

* .internet

* Atualizações importantes apenas de segurança – 12/04/2022

SetupComplete / Após a instalação:

* Atualizações do defensor


* Bandeja de servir:


* Atualização cumulativa:

* KB5012599

* Rede

* Atualização cumulativa para

* NET Framework e:

* KB5012117


* Bandeja de servir:


* Atualização cumulativa:

* KB5012592

* Rede

* Atualização cumulativa para

* NET Framework e:

* KB5012121


* Windows 7 Pro – STD/DAZ/OEM

* Windows 10 Pro – STD/DLA/OEM

* Windows 11 Pro – STD/DLA/OEM

* STD = Instalação padrão – Para usuários com sua própria chave de licença

* DAZ = Habilitado pelo DAZ Loader

* DLA = Ativação de licença digital (HWID)

* OEM – ativado automaticamente durante a instalação

* mesma versão OE

* Kit de ferramentas de diagnóstico recuperação (somente)

* compactado em formato de recuperação ()

* Crie um USB inicializável (altamente recomendado) com Rufus,

* (anexado) ou gravação em baixa velocidade em BD-R.

* Windows _Addict, autor do script de ativação do Windows

* Espero que gostem desta edição!

* A seu serviço,

*2ª geração

Windows 10 X64 21H1 Pro OEM ESD MULTi-7 SET 2021

Versão 21H1 Compilação

* O arquivo:

* Tamanho: 5,50 GB

* Formato: ISO inicializável

* CRC32: 8fa9551a

* MD5: b776779cf50e5af835fa47a72c098446

* SHA-1: 03afd32bed9eef9f6bced0effeb1e5c811409505

Integrado / pré-instalado:

* Bandeja de servir:


* Atualização cumulativa:

* KB5005565

* Rede

* Atualização cumulativa para

* NET Framework e:

* KB5004331

* árabe

* Brasileiro






* Windows 10 Pro – Padrão

* Windows 10 Pro – PARA

* Windows 10 Pro – Fabricantes de Equipamento Original

* STD = Instalação padrão – Para usuários com sua própria chave de licença

* DLA = Ativação de licença digital (HWID)

* OEM – ativado automaticamente durante a instalação

*mesma versão OE

* UEFI ativado

* (Use a ferramenta Rufus USB incluída para inicializar no UEFI)

* Kit de ferramentas de diagnóstico recuperação (somente)

* compactado em formato de recuperação ()

* Crie um USB inicializável (altamente recomendado) com Rufus,

* (anexado) ou gravar em DVD-DL em baixa velocidade.

* Windows_Addict, autor do script de ativação do Windows

* Espero que gostem desta edição!

* A seu serviço,

*2ª geração

12 2 Rating


Windows 10 Pro Lite pt-BR x86/x64 Dez 2020 17763.1637 Download

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Windows 10 Pro Lite pt-BR x86/x64 Dez 2020 17763.1637

Architecture: x86 x64

Language: PT-BR

File format: ESD


Credits Iso Created by OinfoTecnoSys

*****MD5 SHA*****


MD5 Checksum: D0C8C890C9FA56E860AD554C323FC4E7

SHA-1 checksum: 50AF599B3B1BD6284E1F98C278C1B1D7F75F4BCD


MD5 Checksum: 1601848BF0192D777720A401B949AF8A

SHA-1 checksum: 43964C908702608C13BB1EC138D9CA6F264C19E5


MD5 Checksum: E3469A0C76DC03054481E75C657A89BE

SHA-1 checksum: 4BA01A6B4A28C97E61DB6E896ED01B35F5421CBD


A: Remote support

A: Ondrive

To: Localization Services

A: Transmission from Midia

A: Windows Insider Hub

D: Internet Explorer

D: Media player


A: Intel Indeo codecs

A: Explorer Games

A: Captura Hardware

A:Fundos Fabric Bloqueio

A: MPEG-2 splitter

A: Other Topics

A: ready to play

A: Cloth Protector

A: Recognition Speaks

A: DVD playback

A: We are Padro

A: Windows TIFF IFilter (OCR)


D: Bitlocker Drive Cryptography

M: Windows Recovery

M: Windows Backup

M: System Restore

A: Cota Disco

A: Wordpad

A: Recorder Steps

A: Windows Defender

A: Location notification

A: cache. NET assembly

A: Proximity

A: Password for Imagem

A: Read Help for Windows

A: Transfer FCl

***** Hardware Support*****

A: Infrared device

A: Miacast display devices

A: Gaming Peripherals (Xbox GIP)


A: Some sources

A: Language Some

A: Some keyboard layouts

******Windows Applications*****

A: Microsoft Edge (Novo)

A: Everyone, run Calculator

A:Cortana – Search Working

A: Update Drivers Enabled for Installation (Not Mute from Build)

***** Activated *****

A – Network framework e


I did not place everything that I removed,

because what is written is enough to know whether we should go down or not

27 2 Rating


Windows 10 22H2 16in1 en-US x64 – Integral Edition 2023.1.11 download

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Windows 10 22H2 16in1 en-US x64 - Integral Edition 2023.1.11

Desktop-Screenshots und Malware-Scan:

(#) Änderungen:

* Die neuesten Updates für Windows 10 22H2 x64 von (Dezember 2022 bis (Januar) 2023 hinzugefügt: KB5022282 (ersetzt KB5021233).

* Aktualisierte Security Intelligence-Updates für Windows Defender Antivirus (KB2267602) x64 von „“ auf „“.

* Windows Malware Removal Tool (KB890830-v5) x64 von „“ auf „“ aktualisiert.

* Microsoft Edge (Chromium) x64 aktualisiert von „“ auf „“.

* Office 2021 Professional Plus x86/x64 Online Installer von „“ auf „“ aktualisiert.

* Mozilla Firefox x64 aktualisiert von „“ auf „“.

* Vollständiges K-Lite-Codec-Paket aktualisiert von x86/x64 „“ auf „“.


(Oh oh)

———————oOOo-(_)-oOOo—— —– —— ——

Windows 10 22H2 16in1 en-US x64 – Vollversion

Für Fehlerberichte und Fragen besuchen Sie

=============================================== ======== == === ========= =========================

(#) Windows 10-Updates:

* Alle Windows 10 22H2 x64-Updates sind bis (Januar.2023) enthalten:

1. KB890830-v5 – Windows-Tool zum Entfernen bösartiger Software, Version

2. KB2267602 – Security Intelligence-Updates für Windows Defender Antivirus, Version

3. KB4052623 – Update für Windows Defender Antivirus Anti-Malware-Plattform, Version

4. KB4559309 – Microsoft Edge (Chrom), Version

5. KB4589212-v2 – Intel Microcode-Updates.

6. KB5007401 – Kritisches dynamisches Update von .NET Framework.

7. KB5011048 – .NET Framework Base, Version

8. KB5012170 – Sicherheitsupdate für Secure Boot DBX, siehe

9. KB5015684 – Funktionsupdate 22H2 Aktivierungspaket, Version

10. KB5020377 – Dynamische Updatekonfiguration.

11. KB5020881 – Kumulatives Update für .NET Framework und

12. KB5021043 – Sicheres Update für dynamisches Betriebssystem.

13. KB5022282 – Kumulatives Update für Windows 10, Betriebssystemversion

(#) Windows 10-Laufzeitbibliotheken:

* DirectX End User Runtime (Juni 2010) x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2002 x86.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2003 x86.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2005 SP1 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2008 SP1 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2010 SP1 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2012 Update 5 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 Update 5 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2015-2022 x86/x64.

* Visual Basic-Laufzeit x86.

* Visual Basic-Laufzeit x86.

* Visual Basic-Laufzeit x86.

* Visual Basic-Laufzeit x86.

* Visual Basic-Laufzeit x86.

* Visual Basic-Laufzeit x86 (Update SP6 KB3096896).

(#) Vorkonfigurierte Windows 10-Einstellungen:

* .NET Framework = Installiert.

* Automatische OneDrive-Installation = Deaktiviert.

* Diagnosedatenerfassung = Deaktiviert.

* Alle Dateierweiterungen anzeigen = Aktiviert.

* Versteckte Dateien, Ordner und Laufwerke anzeigen = Aktiviert.

* Dateifortschrittsdialog = Erweitert.

* Gleiche Taskleisten-Schaltflächen = nie.

* Windows-Designfarbe = Sturm.

* Akzentfarbe des Windows-Designs = ein.

* Automatische Medienwiedergabe im Browser = deaktiviert.

* Standardbrowser = Firefox.

* Standard-Mediaplayer = Klassischer Mediaplayer.

* ArchiviererStandardarchiv = 7-Zip.

(#) Zusätzliche Anwendungen:

* Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus x86/x64 (Online-Installationsprogramm).

* 7-Zip x64 (mit einigen vorkonfigurierten Einstellungen).

* Mozilla Firefox x64 (mit einigen vorkonfigurierten Einrichtungen).

* K-Lite Codec Pack Full x86/x64 (mit einigen vorkonfigurierten Einstellungen).

* OpenHashTab x86/x64.

(#) Windows 10 x64-Editionen:

* Das Unternehmen hat mehr Funktionen.

Windows 10 Home Einzelsprache

Startseite von Windows 10

Windows 10 Home NWindows 10 Professional

Windows 10 Pro N

Windows 10 Professional Education

Windows 10 Pro EducationN

Windows 10 Pro für Workstations

Windows 10 Pro für N-Workstations

Windows 10 Bildung

Windows 10 Bildung N

Windows 10 Unternehmen

Windows 10 EnterpriseN

Windows 10 Enterprise Virtual Desktops/Multi-Session

Windows 10 IoT-Unternehmen

Windows 10-Team

* Beschreibung zu Windows 10-Editionen:

* Beschreibung zu Windows 10 N:

(#) Allgemein:

* Aktualisieren Sie nach der Installation Microsoft-Apps über „START-Menü – Microsoft Store – … (obere rechte Ecke) – Downloads & Updates – Updates abrufen”.

* Alle Sprachpakete für Windows 10 können direkt aus dem Spracheinstellungsmenü heruntergeladen werden unter: „Einstellungen – Zeitsprache – Sprache – Sprache hinzufügen“.

* Dieses Windows 10 befand sich nicht im Überwachungsmodus und wurde mit dem Microsoft DISM-Tool erstellt und basiert auf der Schriftart Windows 10 en-US x64.

* Alle enthaltenen Extras können im Ordner „.sources$OEM$“ der ISODisc geändert oder entfernt werden (wenn Sie den Ordner „$OEM$“ entfernen, werden Update Nr. 1 und Update Nr. 4 ebenfalls entfernt).

* Um die Startseite Ihres eigenen vorkonfigurierten Browsers zu konfigurieren, bearbeiten Sie einfach die Dateien „initial_preferences” und „” mit einem Texteditor im ISODisc-Ordner „.sources$OEM$” oder im Festplattenordner ” C: Programme“ und „C:Programme (x86)“.

* Ein Windows 10-Aktivator ist nicht enthalten, aber eine Textdatei wird auf dem Desktop mit einem direkten Download-Link zu einem funktionierenden Aktivator abgelegt.

* Systemvoraussetzungen (Minimum|empfohlen): 1|3 GigaHertz x64 Prozessor mit 2|4 Kernen, 2|8 GigaByte RAM, DirectX 9 Grafikkarte, 30|120 GigaByte freier Festplattenspeicher.

(#) So führen Sie eine Neuinstallation von Windows 10 durch:

1. Brennen Sie die Windows 10-ISO-Datei mit einem Brun-Programm wie CDBurnerXP() auf eine DVD oder verwenden Sie Rufus(), um ein bootfähiges USB-Flash-Laufwerk mit der Windows 10-ISO-Datei zu erstellen.

2. Sichern Sie Ihre wichtigen Dateien auf einem separaten Laufwerk.

3. Um eine versehentliche Erstellung eines Windows 10-Online-Kontos oder einen Kontofehler (ein anderer Benutzer) zu vermeiden, trennen Sie Ihren Computer vor der Installation vom Internet.

4. Wählen Sie im Setup-Menü von Windows 10 „Benutzerdefiniert: Nur Windows installieren (erweitert)“ aus.

5. Löschen Sie alle alten Windows-Partitionen und klicken Sie auf „Installieren“ (achten Sie darauf, die richtige Festplatte auszuwählen).

25 5 Rating


Microsoft Windows 10 FULL Office Adobe Crack Download Torrent

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Microsoft Windows 10 FULL Office + Adobe + Crack

Windows 10 FULL

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15 5 Rating


Call of Duty: Mobile for PC torrent

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Call of Duty: Mobile for PC

Classic shooter for Windows PC Call of Duty Mobile for PC is the Windows version of the popular Battle Royale game series. This World War II shooter was popular among players all over the world. It currently competes with titles like Counter Strike, PUBG, Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault, etc. Call of Duty Mobile is the best way to enjoy multiple missions, game modes and adaptive shooting mechanics on the big screen of your computer. In the past, this game has gone through several editions, each of which offers something new and interesting. COD Mobile does not use a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, it focuses on everything from intergalactic warfare to the Vietnam War. The title comes with immersive gameplay, single and multiplayer modes, solo campaign and various missions. Call of Duty Mobile for Windows offers the same exciting experience as Android, but on a bigger screen. The only problem is that the controls are not as smooth as in the mobile mechanics, many missions and multiplayer mode Call of Duty Mobile was released in 2003. Developed by Activision Publishing, the main goal of the game is to focus on infantry simulation. and the dominant weapons of war in World War II. At the time, the game used a redesigned version of the ID Tech 3 Engine, leading to comparisons to other action shooters. In a short time, the game has become very popular among PC Duty Mobile players and focuses on multiple points of view in the story. It lets you play from multiple perspectives, including the British, Soviet, and American regimes that fought in World War II. During the game you can control the infantry; comes with a lot of firearms and devastating weapons of war. Aggressive combat and multiple missions can keep you engaged in the visual experience. Call of Duty game download will give you an amazing cinematic experience. While the developer may update the graphics in the next version, the action sequences show some decent scenes of violence, horror and high tension drama. The game manages to capture the harrowing moments of the war through the eyes of soldiers from the various aforementioned, the campaign focuses on three armies, British, Soviet and American. Like COD Mobile, this version also consists of 24 missions, each mission planting a seed for a future part regarding the game mechanics? Call of Duty Mobile for Windows attempts to simulate certain aspects of the real battlefield on your PC or laptop screen. The gameplay looks different from other leading single player shooters. In fact, Call of Duty was one of the first games to use the AI-controlled squad concept, and the first installment of Call of Duty Mobile emphasized team play. While there are standalone missions, the game doesn’t place a high priority on the single player approach. Throughout the game, various characters move with AI-controlled mechanics that play an important role in defeat. You can click on the corresponding button and shoot at the target using the magnifying glass. This gives you more accuracy and precision. Each player has two primary weapons, as well as a pistol and grenades. You can throw up to 10 grenades at the same time, download the killing game Call of duty comes with multiple weapons for a deadly strike. In addition, players can exchange weapons and supplies with those who arescattered on the battlefield. In addition to pistols, players can use stationary artillery, including mounted machine guns from Duty Mobile for PC inspired by real British, German and Russian weapons from various wars. Some of the most popular weapon options include machine guns, grenades, shotguns, pistols, etc. COD Mobile allows you to carry two large weapons at the same time. However, it is necessary to stock up on a rifle. This helps you in various engagements on the battlefield, as COD Mobile has been redesigned several times in recent years. With more than 20 versions of the game, not including add-ons, Call of Duty Mobile for Windows has explored different battles, countries and wars. But despite this, the first part remains the most enjoyable and popular, the first version of Call of Duty Mobile paved the way for several updates that offer something new in the confusing land of shooters. While the controls may have some improvements in the Windows version, the game still offers players an engaging and immersive experience. With loads of features, Call of Duty download will never let you get bored as it is the perfect choice for action game fans. The biggest advantage of COD Mobile is its solid campaign mode, which takes into account both single and multiplayer modes. With the different battles available to you, you can go on different adventures in different parts of the world. The amazing graphics make everything look real and the weapons simulate a realistic combat experience. Compared to other action games for Windows PC, COD appears much better than Duty Mobile, which comes with authentic, intense and well-designed single player missions and thrilling multiplayer battles. If you don’t want to play alone, choose a server and you’ll have hours of fun. After downloading and installing COD on your Windows PC, look no further. This title is suitable for all ages and offers a great gaming experience. Compared to the Android version, the Windows counterpart looks bigger, better and more interesting.

11 4 Rating


VirtualDJ Torrent Download

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Free Professional Mixing SoftwareVirtualDJ is a digital audio workstation (DAW) and virtual mixing software for DJs. It can be used to edit and edit songs and playlists for events and is packed with different layouts, modes, live streaming features and customization options. Similar to music software such as Serato or Ableton, Virtual DJ reduces the space between the music and the audience, leaving the DJ with all the necessary tools to capture, but difficult to master, VirtualDJ has a very intuitive interface that makes it easy to launch . , link and combine multiple tracks to great effect. After changing tracks, the software’s automatic plug-and-play detection is ideal DJ software for using connected controllers and mixers. The free version of VirtualDJ can be downloaded for Windows 7 and later devices or Mac as (function() { (’review-app-page-desktop’); }); Become a DJ with this industry standard Some components of VirtualDJ are harder to capture than others. With enough poking, prodding, and consulting FAQs, you’ll be able to use audio manipulation software for everything you need. It conveniently covers the bases with its essential tools like controller integration and real-time volume mixing. Other features, such as syncing songs to a common tempo, are buried behind Ableton, VirtualDJ professionally prioritizes live music streaming (hence the name) over composition and recording. For beginning composers and processors, there are more efficient options like FL Studio or Cubase. Although it may not be immediately intuitive, VirtualDJ also has an event scheduling option that helps sync music, videos, and images. This impressive array of visual elements enhances the performance experience and supports creative control beyond tweaking and editing audio tracks in VirtualDJ’s visual properties are unique and set it apart from other DJ software. this guy This is especially useful for DJs whose mission is to be the center of attention and entertain the room. It saves you from having to download music videos beforehand and offers a decent range of visual options to complement whatever song you’re playing. Visual elements can even respond to the rhythm and frequency of sound. Recent updates have also equipped VirtualDJ with video skins that display slideshows, album covers or any other image during a live stream. It plays in full screen to enhance (or compose) the music you’re playing and adds a new layer to your performance options. For a karaoke night, it can also be set to display the lyrics of the songs. Video skins can also be set to play on Facebook or the default version is free, VirtualDJ is a great platform for any aspiring DJ. For 20 years, it has been an introductory landmark for more than 132 million people. The DAW is constantly updated and improved based on user feedback. This has resulted in adding new features and simplifying the process for beginners to get out of this mixing software,options perform better than others. Specifically, it can implement cross-fading, speed adjustments, SFX, and logically track signals. It’s also great for organizing your music collection on Windows, as it seamlessly integrates with native folders. You can access Kobsah from anywhere on your computer, from hard drives to iTunes. It even supports Seratos vs Serato. Typically, Serato and Ableton seem to be VirtualDJ’s strongest competitors. All three are popular digital audio workstations used around the world and offer the diverse features and powerful tools needed to create and organize all kinds of music. However, this is not necessarily the case. Like VirtualDJ, Serato allows users to mix music stored or played from their personal computer. It also offers all kinds of mixes, scratches and third-party support, its selection is not as robust as VirtualDJ, Serato has some live performance. The simplified interface makes it easy to switch and convert tracks on the fly, giving it an advantage over the more complex and claustrophobic design of VirtualDJ. However, instead of capitalizing and detailing their differences, VirtualDJ wisely chose to integrate Serato with its own product: local music from Seratos Crates can be downloaded directly into VirtualDJ for easy access. Anything done in Seratos’ more spartan interface can also be done directly through VirtualDJ. This way, you can still use VirtualDJ’s great live and visual features, even if your mix was created with Serato. Compared to both options, Ableton is similar but different. Instead of flashy visuals or a silky user interface, Ableton’s strengths lie in the visuals and session design. In Windows, a quick click of the Tab key switches between them. The session view resembles the VirtualDJ interface and displays a selection of songs in horizontal order. You can mix, pause, loop, filter and adjust the volume in real time. The arrangement view, on the other hand, displays the playlist vertically and expands it with small tweaks and adjustments. This mode is great for compositing and overlaying, it’s the best of the three in terms of file management and video capabilities, but it’s no easier to learn than Ableton or Serato. All three programs take time, practice and dedication to master, just like any tool. It is rare for a user to switch between all three programs; the one you choose is likely to be the one you end up using for shows. Because the basic version of VirtualDJ is free, it remains the most popular, easy-to-pick-up and hard-to-master DAW VirtualDJ is a heavyweight professional multimedia tool that you can download for free. Unfortunately, this free layer prevents the use of USB and MIDI controllers, as well as restricts use with external analog mixers. It also doesn’t allow you to record and save podcasts online. Still, with these drawbacks in mind, VirtualDJ is an excellent gateway DAW for any aspiring DJ or arranger. With enough time, the program (and subscription to one of the paid tiers) can definitely be used professionally.

24 2 Rating
