To escape the command of the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses I (Ian Kit), which condemned all newborn Jews, the child of Moses (Fraser C. Heston) floats on the Nile in a reed basket. She was saved by Pharaoh’s daughter Beatty (Nina Foch), she adopted and raised her brother at the court of Pharaoh Seth (Sir Cedric Hardwick). Moses (Charlton Heston) deserves Setis’ love and love and hate for Retes II (Jul Briner), son of Setis, Princess Nefrir (Ann Baxter). When his Hebrew heritage is revealed, Moses will be expelled from Egypt and cross the wilderness where he will marry, give birth to a son, and God will direct him to return to Egypt to free the Jews from captivity. In Egypt, Moses’ greatest enemy is not Ramses II, but someone close to him who can harden his heart. Ron Kerrigan mvg @;
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