Microsoft Windows 10 AIO 6in1 x86/x64,
Original release:
.: Software diagram:.
Name: Microsoft Windows
If: Windows 10
Version: Home, Pro and Enterprise (32-bit and 64-bit)
Italian language
Manufacturer: Microsoft
Usage data: 2015/07/29
Required System:
– 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processing and speed 1 GHz or pi
– 1 GB RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
– 16 GB for extra consumables on the hard drive (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
– DirectX 9 graphics scheduler with WDDM driver or better
.: Installation Note:.
The main file in this file can easily be created for use by Rufus
Riavvia il pc and avvia al boot il dvd or chiavetta usb
Select the version you want to install and install
Estrai il file en leggi il file
hash file
MD5: 3962b085acce6aa52ccf6e4dbfcf8d88
SHA1: 787d2996df4ad746196377b5337fa827285947a4
CRC32: ea54300a
MD5: 4e0e814fe68b4f9a5eafabb594fe1faf
SHA1: e960299022090b5e2d84c1cfbfd3f2b7c1dfe88c
CRC32: fce03845
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