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Windows 10 22H2 10.0.19045.2193 AIO 32in1 HWID-Act (x86/x64) En-Ru October 2022 indir torrent


Windows 10 22H2 10.0.19045.2193 AIO 32in1 HWID-Act (x86/x64) En-Ru October 2022

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Doğrudan sahne grubundan orijinal kırık uygulamalar.

Takım VTU projesi!

İngilizce/Rusça | 32bit/64bit | Ekim 2022

Windows 10 22H2 AIO 32in1 HVID-Act (x86/x64) En-Ru Ekim 2022

Bu sürüm, Windows 10 21H2’nin bir proxy sürümüdür ve Rusça ve İngilizce 32 bit ve 64 bit sürümleri tek bir görüntüde birleştirir. Pakette uygulanan çok sayıda orijinal çözüm sayesinde, hacmi sıradan bir DVD’nin boyutundan biraz daha büyük olan, çok sayıda Windows 10 sürümünü tek bir dağıtım setinde birleştiren bir ürün elde etmek mümkün oldu – boş. Aynı zamanda, montajdan kurulan işletim sistemlerinin işlevselliği tek bir damar tarafından kesilmez!

Derleme, 32 bit (x86) ve 64 bit (x64) çekirdekler için Windows 10’un 16 Rusça ve 16 İngilizce sürümünü içerir:

– Windows 10 Eğitim x64 (Rusça)

– Windows 10 Education x64 (İngilizce)

– Windows 10 Education x86 (Rusça)

– Windows 10 Education x86 (İngilizce)

– Windows 10 Enterprise x64 (Rusça)

– Windows 10 Enterprise x64 (İngilizce)

– Windows 10 Enterprise x86 (Rusça)

– Windows 10 Enterprise x86 (İngilizce)

– Windows 10 IoT Enterprise x64 (Rusça)

– Windows 10 IoT Enterprise x64 (İngilizce)

– Windows 10 IoT Enterprise x86 (Rusça)

– Windows 10 IoT Enterprise x86 (İngilizce)

– Windows 10 Pro x64 (Rusça)

– Windows 10 Pro x64 (İngilizce)

– Windows 10 Pro x86 (Rusça)

– Windows 10 Pro x86 (İngilizce)

– Windows 10 Pro Education x64 (Rusça)

– Windows 10 Pro Education x64 (İngilizce)

– Windows 10 Pro Education x86 (Rusça)

– Windows 10 Pro Education x86 (İngilizce)

– x64 iş istasyonları için Windows 10 Pro (Rusça)

– İş İstasyonları x64 için Windows 10 Pro (İngilizce)

– x86 iş istasyonları için Windows 10 Pro (Rusça)

– x86 iş istasyonları için Windows 10 Pro (İngilizce)

– Windows 10 Home x64 (Rusça)

– Windows 10 Home x64 (İngilizce)

– Windows 10 Home x86 (Rusça)

– Windows 10 Home x86 (İngilizce)

– Windows 10 Home Tek Dil x64 (Rusça)

– Windows 10 Ev Tek Dil x64 (İngilizce)

– Windows 10 Home Tek Dil x86 (Rusça)

– Windows 10 Ev Tek Dil x86 (İngilizce)

Üretim performansı kapsamlı bir şekilde test edilmiştir.

– 18 Ekim 2022’de VSS’de (eski adıyla MSDN) yayınlanan Windows 10 dağıtımları üzerine kuruludur.

– KB5018482 Güncellemesi, derlemeden yüklenen işletim sistemlerine daha fazla entegre edilmiştir.

– Derleme, aktivatör V10 Dijital Aktivasyon Programı + Ratiborus’un KMS38 sürümünü içerir. Yürütülebilir etkinleştirici masaüstünüzde mevcut olacaktır.

– Kurulumun çok erken bir aşamasında, birincil kabuğun bitliğini, yani hangi yükleyicinin kullanılacağını, 32-bit veya 64-bit seçebileceğiniz bir ön yükleme menüsü vardır. Bu sayede işletim sisteminin 64 bit sürümünün RAID’e dahil olmayabileceği ve kullanıcılarının sistem kurtarma hizmetinden mahrum kalabileceği konusunda endişelenmenize gerek yok.

– Kurulum ortamından başlatılan ve sistemin kendisinde yerleşik olan Sistem Kurtarma hizmeti, sistem canlandırma olanaklarını önemli ölçüde artıran Microsoft Tanılama ve Kurtarma Araç Seti (MSDaRT) 10 modülüyle entegre edilmiştir.

– .NET Framework önceden yüklenmiştir. Bu bağlamda, bu paketin manuel yerel kurulumu için dosyaları içeren sourcessks klasörü kurulum medyasından kaldırılmıştır.

– BIOS Legacy modunda kurulan bir sistemde, önyükleme menüsünün işlevselliği F8 tuşuna basılarak geri yüklenir. F8 önyükleme menüsü metin modunda görüntülenir.

-F8’deki önyükleme menüsünde, „Bilinen son iyi yapılandırmayı yükle” öğesi geri yüklendi.

– Sistem Rusça ve İngilizce dil paketleri ile anında kurulur. Kurulum sırasında dil seçimi, yalnızca hangi dillerin ana dil olacağını etkiler. Böylece kurulumun sonunda, standart işletim sistemi araçlarını (Home Single Language sürümü hariç) kullanarak ek dosyalar indirmeden arayüz dilini kolayca değiştirebilirsiniz.

– Home Single Language sürümünde, lisansınızı kaybetmeden arayüz dilini Rusça’dan İngilizce’ye ve tersi yönde değiştirmenize olanak tanıyan bir komut dosyası eklendi.

– Ek dillerin dağıtım kitine entegrasyonu sırasında Not Defteri, WordPad uygulamaları ve Paint’in gerekli dil paketlerini almamasına ve sonuç olarak çalışmamasına neden olan bir geliştirici hatasının sonuçları düzeltildi. Eksik dosyaları gerekli sistem dizinlerine açtım.

– Windows 10 yükleyicisinin bir özelliği düzeltildi, bu nedenle çok dilli sürümde, mevcut sistem altında yüklemeye başlarken yükleyici arabiriminin dili seçeneği yoktu. Bu derlemede de benzer bir seçim yapılmıştır.

– Montajın teknik özellikleri nedeniyle, mevcut sistem altında Windows 10’un yalnızca 64 bit sürümü kurulabilir. Ve bu yalnızca özel yükleme modunda.

– Yükleyici arayüzünde Microsoft geliştirici hatalarını düzelten küçük iyileştirmeler yapıldı.

Ne var ne yok:

Sistem gereksinimleri:

– İşlemci: 1 gigahertz (GHz) veya daha fazlası.

– Boş sabit disk alanı: 20 gigabayt (GB).

– Grafik bağdaştırıcısı: grafik aygıtı Microsoft DirectX 9 veya üstü.

– Bazı işlevleri kullanmak için ek gereksinimler.

– Dokunma özelliği, çoklu dokunma teknolojisini destekleyen bir tablet veya monitör gerektirir.

– Uygulamaları indirmek ve çalıştırmak üzere Windows Mağazası’na erişmek için etkin bir İnternet bağlantınızın ve en az 1024 768 piksel ekran çözünürlüğünün olması gerekir.

Kurulum yöntemi:

* Rufus ile önyüklenebilir bir USB oluşturun (şiddetle tavsiye edilir) ve çalıştırın!

* Düşük hızda DVD-DL’ye yazın.

Ana sayfa:

Önyüklenebilir bir USB oluşturun ve çalıştırın / Talimatlar kılavuzda yer almaktadır!

!! LÜTFEN DİKKATİNİ VER!! Bunun bir FTUapps sürümü olup olmadığını her zaman kontrol edin! SAHTELERDEN kaçının!

Amacımız, test edilmiş uygulama ekran görüntüsü ile en temiz, zararsız uygulamaları sağlamaktır!

50 1 Rating


All About PDF 3 torrent download

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All About PDF 3

All-About-PDF is a fast, beautifully designed and intuitive PDF tool that allows you to combine, split, protect, compress, convert and much more PDF files. We try to keep our prices simple and affordable.

Merge PDF, split PDF, convert PDF, protect PDF and more.

Focused on privacy

As a desktop application, you don’t need to send your private PDF files to an unknown third-party remote server for processing. We also do not collect or need your email address to use our app.

PDF conversion

Batch convert PDF files to multiple formats including Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, JPG image and HTML.

Fast PDF processing

All-About-PDF is a multi-threaded 64-bit application that uses multiple cores of your computer’s CPU to process PDF files on the fly.

Combine or split PDF files

All About PDF can take multiple PDF files and combine them into one file. You can also go the other way, taking a PDF and splitting it into multiple documents. This is done by specifying multiple page ranges to split, or you can just tell the app to split the PDF every N pages (e.g. page). .

Protect PDF files

You can add owner and user passwords to your PDF with 256-bit encryption. After setting the owner password for a PDF file, you can set permissions such as:

Ability to copy from a document

Document can be printed

Document can be marked

Ability to edit PDF attributes

the ability to edit PDF content and more

Remove passwords from PDF files

All-About-PDF can remove PDF user and owner passwords from any PDF file, making them no longer needed to view the document.

Add graphic and text watermarks

With this feature, you can add a watermark with text or image to all pages of a PDF file. You can set the font size, color and placement of the watermark to your liking.

Compress PDF files

When you scan documents to PDF, the resulting files tend to be large, which can make them difficult to process and share. The All-About PDF Compression feature allows you to reduce the size of a PDF file by compressing images, reducing image quality, and removing unused objects and streams from the PDF file. All About PDF can reduce the size of a scanned PDF document by more than 7000%!

26 1 Rating


Windows All (7, 8.1, 10, 11) All Editions With Updates AIO 49in1 Download

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Windows All (7, 8.1, 10, 11) All Editions With Updates AIO 49in1

To visit

The original cracked app directly from the scene group.

FTU team project!

All Windows | AIO | 64 bits | Previously activated | Very clean | English | September 2022

Windows All (7, , 10, 11) All editions with AIO 49in1 (x64) En-US September 2022 update pre-activated

This is a full ISO with all Windows 11 and 10 and 7 in one with the September 2022 update.

List of Windows versions available for installation:

1. „Windows 7 Home Basic”

2. „Windows 7 Home Basic N”

3. „Windows 7 Home Premium”

4. „Windows 7 Home Premium N”

5. „Windows 7 Professional”

6. „Windows 7 Professional N”

7. „Windows 7 Ultimate”

8. „Windows 7 Ultimate N”

9. „Windows 7 Enterprise”

10. „Windows 7 Enterprise N”

11. „Windows”

12. „Windows N”

13. „One Windows language”

14. „Windows Pro”

15. „Windows Pro N”

16. „Windows Embedded Systems Industry”

17. „Windows Embedded IndustryE”

18. „Windows Enterprise”

19. „Windows Enterprise N”

20. „Windows 10 Home”

21. „Windows 10 Home N”

22. „Windows 10 Pro”

23. „Windows 10 Pro N”

24. „One language Windows 10 Home”

25. „Windows 10 Pro Education”

26. „Windows 10 Pro Education N”

27. „Windows 10 Pro for workstations”

28. „Windows 10 Pro N for workstation”

29. „One language Windows 10 Pro”

30. „Windows 10 Education”

31. „Windows 10 Education N”

32. „Windows 10 Enterprise”

33. „Windows 10 Enterprise N”

34. „Windows 10 Enterprise for virtual desktops”

35. „Windows 10 IoT Enterprise”

36. „Windows 11 Home”

37. „Windows 11 Home N”

38. „One language Windows 11 Home”

39. „Windows 11 Education”

40. „Windows 11 Education N”

41. „Windows 11 Pro”

42. „Windows 11 Pro N”

43. „Windows 11 Pro Education”

44. „Windows 11 Pro Education N”

45. „Windows 11 Pro for workstations”

46. ​​”Windows 11 Pro N for workstations”

47. „Windows 11 Enterprise”

48. „Windows 11 IoT Enterprise”

49. „Windows 11 Enterprise N”

What’s new:

– Added all updates for Windows 11, 10 7 released in September 2022

Operational system:

– Processor: gigahertz (GHz) or faster.

– RAM: 2 gigabytes (GB).

– Free hard disk space: 40 gigabytes (GB).

– Graphics card: DirectX 9 or higher graphics device.

– Additional requirements to use certain features.

– To use touch, you need a tablet or monitor that supports multi-touch controls.

– To access the Windows Store to download and run apps, you need an active Internet connection and a screen resolution of at least 1024 768 pixels

Hash: 966C71587A53A8EFBB8DF74F8D50610E089CB30CF9D6685B2764566D69F34603

home page:

Use Rufus/DVD to boot, installation instructions are included in the folder!

Antivirus scan results for end users

No Virustotal due to limited file size – Very clean, no corruption!

50 5 Rating


Adobe Photoshop CC download

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Adobe Photoshop CC

Complete image editing tool for Windows Adobe Photoshop CC is a powerful, reliable and advanced image editor for Windows PC. The program allows you to work with basic designs, complex 3D drawings and simple touch-ups. Compared to Picasa, PhotoScape and Corel Painter, Adobe Photoshop is a much better option. Although some aspects of the tool can be overwhelming for beginners, it comes with detailed tutorials to help you out. In no time, you’ll be able to learn the ropes and continue to use Photoshop to create stunning layers, enhancements, video edits, and more. Adobe Photoshop download comes with lots of image and video editing tools and is compatible with Adobe Bridge. , which is a solid media manager. As such, it allows you to properly organize files and clean up your storage space. The intuitive interface lets you easily drag images/clips, set up a timeline, and stitch together visuals. Additionally, you can adjust color levels, add textures, work with alpha channels, and use various artistic filters to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your features. Adobe has always been known for creating easy-to-use, feature-rich content and reliable products. Photoshop CC is no different in this regard. The customizable interface lets you choose from multiple workspace layouts. Depending on the project, you can work with painting, photography, graphic design, web, 3D and movement. Downloading Photoshop PC allows you to create custom panels and windows in the master layout. Depending on your preference, you can rearrange the toolbar buttons to make them easily accessible. The icons use a flat 2D style making them easy to see when working with multiple images in an order to access the default templates you can click New Documents. Here you get various options for layouts including photo collage, textured geometry, instant film fiction, etc. From the top panel, you can access filters, which limit templates to Art & Illustration, Web, Photo, Mobile, Print, and Film & Video. These can even help you create Adobe Photoshop CC banners, you can access presets, libraries and recent files from the main page. This saves a lot of time that you would have spent browsing through multiple windows. At the bottom of the main page, custom tutorials are available to help you get started. Moreover, it has a compression tool to reduce your later times, Adobe has started to give more importance to touch-enabled devices. Therefore, Photoshop for PC supports touchscreen controls and gestures, making it easy to pan or zoom photos. With a simple swipe of three fingers, you can scroll through multiple images. A two-finger swipe lets you cancel selections. The app’s touchscreen and gesture functions can be easily adjusted from the settings.Photoshop download for PC is compatible with a wide range of plug-ins, which add advanced functions to the program. With plugins you can optimize the appearance of photos, add filters, work with additional layers and correct certain aspects of images. With the capabilities of a full-featured photo background editor, a reliable image changer and a flexible poster for the range of features, Photoshop has been the number one choice for artists, editors, creators of content and designers. As it is supported by the IT giant, the program receives regular updates and bug fixes, making it a great choice for Windows 10 on the interface. In terms of functions, Adobe Photoshop download is divided into panels and workspace. In the workplace, you can choose from a number of advanced tools to customize different elements. With panels, you can control multiple layers over your images, which create overlapping effects to enhance the program’s main screen that greets you with a subtle dark gray interface. Adobe kept the minimalist approach to UI design and added a new color scheme to make everything easier to access. The latest version of the program is similar to Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere. The panels have been categorized properly and allow you to focus on the images better. If you want to change the look of the program, you can check out the different shades in the Preferences, video editing and 3D printing are supported there. Many image editing tools in Adobe Photoshop CC can be used for basic video editing. For example, you can consider exposure features, cropping tools, and multiple filters for editing animations and short video clips. With Photoshop for PC you can also work with multitrack and it should be noted that Photoshop uses the powerful rendering engine of Premiere Pro Video Editors. Therefore, each video track loaded into the program acts as a new layer, which can be easily adjusted based on Adobe Photoshop free download, you can split, join and cut clips. Although the program offers a minimal set of audio tools, you can still adjust the volume percentage, fade in and fade out times, and add reverb. More importantly, Adobe Photoshop CC comes with multiple resolution options including 720p, 1080p, and 4K. This allows you to work with the program on both small and large screens. Since the program is part of Creative Cloud, you can sync everything across multiple. The latest version of the program also comes with better 3D tools, ensuring faster performance and realistic rendering. If you are a beginner in 3D printing, you can work with some sample 3D documents available in the program. However, working with 3D models requires technical expertise, and it is better to read some tutorials or forums before trying it. A powerful photo editor with featuresunmatched. Downloading Adobe Photoshop requires a steep learning curve, but it’s the preferred choice for designers, technicians, businesses, artists, photographers, and content creators. With subtle improvements in each version, the program remains the most powerful image editing tool in the world. Along with photo editing, the tool comes with basic video editing features, which makes this software a great choice. Although it may be a bit heavy on system resources, newer Windows operating systems should have no problems.

32 2 Rating


Saw X 2023 FastDL movie torrent download

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Saw X 2023

The tenth installment of the „Saw” franchise. Place to be determined.

37 2 Rating


Red Giant Effects Suite 11.1.7 for Adobe (Windows 64-bit) SN download torrent

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Red Giant Effects Suite 11.1.7 for Adobe (Windows 64-bit) + SN

Red Giant Effects Suite for Adobe (Windows 64-bit) + serial number

Visual effects and animation design tools

Red Giant Effects Suite is a suite of 9 tools that has served the visual effects community for years, offering creative freedom to create professional effects.

Included in effects pack

Knoll Light Factors – works with Adobe After Effects + Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015

3D lenses for animation design and visual effects.

– Created by Industrial Light & Magics John Knoll

– 100+ fully customizable presets

– After Effects supports the camera – Flares can be connected to lights in 3D space.

Composite Wizard – works with Adobe After Effects CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015

key cleaning tools and more.

– The easiest addition to your most important decisions

– Excellent edge management integrates your object into your scene

– Remove unwanted artifacts and then use light and color tools to complete the composition.

ToonIt – works with Adobe After Effects + Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015

Make your video look like a cartoon, comic book or painting.

– Add interest to normal images

– Realistic cartoon effects by Toonamation

– 40+ presets make your workflow easy and fast

Holomatric – works with Adobe After Effects CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015.

Sci-Fi Holograms. digital distortion. Bad reception. Improvement for UI and HUD elements.

– Recreate the holographic look of your frames, logos or graphics.

– Improving the appearance of digital signage, screens and head-up displays.

– Corrupt recording to simulate poor reception

Image Lounge – works with Adobe After Effects CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015

Camera tools, fractals and distortion effects.

– Give your image more impact

– Filters mimic natural elements like fire, smoke and water.

– Add realistic accents with shadows, transitions and blur/focus effects.

Psunami – WorkAdobe After Effects CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015

Photorealistic 3D water surfaces.

– Create 3D water jet tracking

– Full control of the camera above, on or below the water surface

– Simple animation options to create different water environments

Warp – Works with Adobe After Effects + Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015.

Shadows, reflections, glows and corner snapping.

– Corner snapping is made easier with advanced integration with After Effects.

– Control perspective, drop and more for reflections and shadows.

– Now includes 3 unique shine and shimmer tools

Text Anarchy – Works with Adobe After Effects + Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015

Automatic text animation tools and more.

– Move text along grids, lines, spirals or other paths

– Extensive typographic control

– Create backgrounds and patterns with the included geomancy plugin.

PlaneSpace – Works with Adobe After Effects CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015.

Edit and animate 3D layers instantly in After Effects.

– Create cubes, cylinders, spheroids or complex matrices

– No key personnel required

-Unlimited shifts


Windows 7/8/10 64-bit

64-bit processor

4GB of RAM

Home page

21 0 Rating


Shazam! Fury of the Gods 2023 Sexy Bay utorrent Download Torrent

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Shazam! Fury of the Gods 2023

Billy Batson and his adopted siblings, who turn into superheroes by shouting „Shazam!”

16 0 Rating


Corsage 2022 WEB DVDRip WEB-DL Full Torrent

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Corsage 2022 WEB

A fictional depiction of a year in the life of Empress Elisabeth of Austria. On Christmas Eve 1877, Elisabeth, once celebrated for her beauty, turns 40 and is officially considered an old woman; she begins to try to maintain her public image.

Language: German / English / Hungarian / Italian

Subsrt: Portuguese / English / Spanish / Italian

Genre: Biography / Drama / History

Format: AVI

Codec ID: XVID

File size: GB

Duration: 1 hour 54 minutes

Video bit rate: 2331 kb/s

Width: 1280 pixels

Height: 536 pixels

Aspect ratio::1

Frame rate: FPS

Codec ID/Hint: MP3

Audio bit rate: 128 kb/s

Thirteen-year-old Leo and Remi have always been incredibly close, but they drift apart after the intimacy of their relationship is questioned by classmates. When disaster strikes, a man must confront why he distanced himself from his best friend.

Language: French/Flemish/Dutch

Subsrt: Portuguese / French / Spanish / Italian / Dutch

Genre: Drama

Format: AVI

Codec ID: XVID

File size: GB

Duration: 1 hour 43 minutes

Video bit rate: 4630 kb/s

Width: 1848 pixels

Height: 1040 pixels

Aspect ratio: 16:9

Frame rate: FPS

Codec ID/Hint: MP3

Audio bit rate: 128 kb/s

25 2 Rating


Windows 11 22H2 16in1 en-US x64 – Integral Edition 2022.11.11 Torrent

BAIXAR torrent

Windows 11 22H2 16in1 en-US x64 - Integral Edition 2022.11.11

Capturas de tela da área de trabalho análise de malware:

(#) Mudanças:

* Adicionadas 2 novas soluções para os requisitos do sistema (marca d’água da área de trabalho conta offline).

* Adicionar calibração HDR do Windows (aplicativo).

* Adicionado as atualizações mais recentes para Windows 11 22H2 x64 entre (outubro).2022 (novembro).2022: kb5019103 (substitui KB5017590) | kb5019980 (substitui KB5012170, KB5018427) | kb5020622 (substitui KB5017271) | kb5021041 (substitui KB5017160).

* Atualizações de informações de segurança atualizadas para Windows Defender Antivirus (KB2267602) x64 de „” para „”.

* Windows Defender Antivirus Platform (KB4052623) atualização x64 em vez de „”.

* Ferramenta de remoção de malware do Windows atualizada (KB890830-v5) para x64 de „” para „”.

* Microsoft Edge (Chromium) x64 atualizado de „” para „”.

* Atualizado Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 redistribuível da versão x86/x64 „” para „”.

* O instalador online do Office 2021 Professional Plus x86/x64 foi atualizado de „” para „”.

* Mozilla Firefox x64 atualizado de „” para „”.

* Pacote completo de codecs K-Lite atualizado para x86/x64 de „” para „”.


(ou ou)

—————oOOo-(_)-oOOo————- ————– – —–

Windows 11 22H2 16in1 en-US x64 – Edição Completa

Visite para relatórios de bugs perguntas

==================================================== == === === === ======================

(#) Ignora os requisitos de sistema do Windows 11:

* Isso funciona para instalações limpas cenários de atualização.

1. O Trusted Platform Module (TPM) não está marcado.

2. Secure Boot não está marcado.

3. Nenhuma verificação mínima de CPU (Processador).

4. Nenhuma verificação mínima de 4 GB de RAM.

5. Não verifique se há pelo menos 64 GB de armazenamento.

6. Nenhuma marca d’água na área de trabalho para hardware não suportado.

7. Conta offline para todas as publicações via OOBE.

* No menu de atualização, você verá a palavra „Servidor” em vez de „11”, isso é normal, faz parte de um truque para contornar a maioria dos requisitos do sistema.

* Se você não tiver uma chave de produto ao atualizar, basta usar a chave de produto genérica de ISODisc „.sources”.

(#) Atualizações do Windows 11:

* Todas as atualizações do Windows 11 22H2 x64 estão incluídas até (novembro) de 2022:

1. KB890830-v5 – Ferramenta de remoção de malware do Windows Ver.

2. KB2267602 – Atualizações de informações de segurança para Windows Defender Antivirus, versão

3. KB4052623 – Atualização para Windows Defender Antivirus Malware Platform, versão

4. KB4559309 – Microsoft Edge (Chromium), versão

5. KB5019103 – Configurar atualização dinâmica.

6. KB5019980 – atualização cumulativa para compilação do sistema operacional Windows 11

7. KB5020622 – Atualização cumulativa do .NET Framework do .NET Framework

8. KB5021041 – Atualização segura do sistema operacional dinâmico.

(#) Bibliotecas de tempo de execução do Windows 11:

* DirectX End User Runtime (junho de 2010) x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistribuível 2002 x86.

* Visual C++ Redistribuível 2003 x86.

* Visual C++ Redistribuível 2005 SP1 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistribuível 2008 SP1 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistribuível 2010SP1 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistribuível 2012 Atualização 5 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistribuível 2013 Atualização 5 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistribuível 2015-2022 x86/x64.

* Tempo de execução do Visual Basic x86.

*Tempo de execução do Visual Basic x86.

* Tempo de execução do Visual Basic x86.

* Tempo de execução do Visual Basic x86.

* Tempo de execução do Visual Basic x86.

* Visual Basic Runtime x86 (atualização do SP6 KB3096896).

(#) Configurações pré-configuradas do Windows 11:

*.NET Framework = Instalado.

* Instalar automaticamente OneDrive = desativado.

* Coleta de dados de diagnóstico = desativado.

* Mostrar todas as extensões de arquivo = Ativado.

* Mostrar arquivos, pastas unidades ocultas = Ativado.

* Itens da barra de tarefas: pesquisa, widgets, chat = desativado.

* Diálogo de progresso do arquivo = detalhado.

* Cor do tema do Windows = Tempestade.

* Cor de destaque do tema do Windows = Ativado.

* Reprodução automática de mídia do navegador = desativado.

* Navegador padrão = Firefox.

* Reprodutor de mídia padrão = Reprodutor de mídia clássico.

* Arquivo de arquivo padrão = 7-Zip.

(#) Aplicações adicionais:

* Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus x86/x64 (instalador da Web).

* Calibração Windows x64 HDR (aplicativo).

* 7-Zip x64 (com alguns presets).

* Mozilla Firefox x64 (com algumas configurações pré-configuradas).

* K-Lite Codec Pack Full x86/x64 (com algumas predefinições).

* OpenHashTab x86/x64.

(#) Edições do Windows 11 x64:

* A empresa tem mais recursos.

Windows 11 Home um idioma

Início do Windows 11

Windows 11 Home N

Windows 11 Profissional

Windows 11 Pro N

Windows 11 Profissional Educação

Windows 11 Pro Education N

Windows 11 Pro para estações de trabalho

Windows 11 Pro para estações de trabalho N

Educação do Windows 11

Windows 11 Educação N

Windows 11 Enterprise

Windows 11 Enterprise N

Áreas de trabalho virtuais/várias sessões do Windows 11 Enterprise

Windows 11 IoT Enterprise

computador Windows 11

* Descrição das edições do Windows 11:

* Descrição do Windows 11 N:

(#) Em geral:

* Todos os pacotes de idiomas do Windows 11 podem ser baixados diretamente do menu de configurações de idioma: „Configurações – Idioma da hora – Idioma – Adicionar idioma”.

* Este Windows 11 não estava em modo de auditoria foi criado usando a ferramenta DISM da Microsoft é baseado na fonte Windows 11 en-US x64.

* Todos os extras incluídos podem ser modificados ou removidos na pasta ISODisc „.sources$OEM$” (excluir a pasta $OEM$ também removerá a atualização nº 1 a atualização nº 4).

* Para configurar sua própria página inicial pré-configurada do Borwser, edite os arquivos „initial_preferences” „” em ISODisc „.sources$OEM$” ou „C:Program Files” „C:Program Files (x86)” no seu disco rígido com um editor de texto.

* O ativador do Windows 11 não está incluído, mas um arquivo de texto é colocado em sua área de trabalho com um link de download direto para um ativador em funcionamento.

* Requisitos do sistema (mínimo|recomendado): Processador 1|3 GigaHertz x64 com 2|4 núcleos, 2|8 gigabytes de RAM, placa gráfica DirectX 12, 30|120 gigabytes de armazenamento livre em disco rígido.

(#) Para fazer uma nova instalação do Windows 11, faça seguinte.

1. Grave arquivo ISO do Windows 11 em um DVD usando um programa Brun como CDBurnerXP() ou use Rufus() para criar uma unidade flash USB inicializável com arquivo ISO do Windows 11.

2. BACKUP de arquivos importantes em um disco separado.

3. Para evitar a criação acidental de uma conta Windows 11 Online ou um erro de conta (outro usuário), desconecte computador da Internet antes de instalar.

4. Selecione „Personalizado: Instalar apenas Windows (Avançado)” no menu de configurações do Windows 11.

5. Exclua todas as partições antigas do Windows clique em Instalar (certifique-se de selecionar disco rígido correto)

40 5 Rating


Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 X64 MULTi-6 JULY 2022 {Gen2} Download Torrent

DOWNLOAD torrent

Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 X64 MULTi-6 JULY 2022 {Gen2}

Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 X64 SOME JULY 6, 2022.

Version 1809 Assembly

* File:

* Size: 3.77 GB

* Format: bootable ISO

* CRC32: 48140a60

* MD5: 8e22d877961a47cdf6f2342e60f4a7ab

* SHA-1: e4bb65041de08ac9627736e715c051157bbc6f72


* Stack service:


* Security update:


* Cumulative update:


*.NET Framework

*.NET Framework:


* Cumulative update for

*.NET Framework and:


* Update to uninstall Adobe Flash Player:








*Windows 10 Enterprise Long Term Support 2019

* Activated by digital license (HVID)

* UEFI ready

* (Use Rufus USB tool to boot from UEFI)

* Diagnostic and Recovery Tool (only)

*(s) compressed into recovery format()

* Create a bootable USB (highly recommended) with Rufus,

* (supplied) or burn to DVD-R at low speed.

* Windows_Addict, Windows Activation Script Builder

* Hope you enjoy this release!

* Best wishes,

* Generation 2

Windows 10 X64 Enterprise LTSC 2019 ESD en-US November 2020

Version 1809 Assembly

* File:

* Size: 3.87 GB

* Format: bootable ISO

* SOURCE: Ks21-96425

* CRC32: ebffe547

* MD5: cb4bd3a5efca8914c4445081f9087b0c

* SHA-1: 6cc70ae34c0abad63bd021f9e6246caecea37ab6


* Serving set updates:


* Cumulative update:


*.NET Framework

*.NET Framework:


* Cumulative update for

*.NET Framework and:


* Flash Player security update:


Installation completed/after installation:

* Update Defender


*Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 Standard Edition

* Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 – KMS

* STD = Standard installation – for those who have their own license key

* KMS = KMS38 activated

* UEFI ready

* (Use Rufus USB tool to boot from UEFI)

* compressed into recovery format().

* Create a bootable flash drive (highly recommended) with Rufus,

* (supplied) or burn to DVD-R at low speed.

* Windows_Addict,Windows Activation Script Builder

* Hope you enjoy this release!

* Best wishes,

* Generation 2

44 4 Rating
